2011년 4월 22일 금요일

Blog 5- Students study English abroad.

Students study English abroad.

  Recently the importance of English in the global society has increased, so many Korean students go abroad to learn English. Even though it is huge financial coast, they choose to study in English countries, because it is a better way for them to learn English. Some people think that it is waste of money, because there are a lot of English schools in Korea, so students can study English with family’s care. In addition, it may happen that students can be easily exposed to the danger such as drugs and alcohol. However, it is quite negative view, and students can control themselves. If you also look on the bright side, you can realise that it is good chance for students. I am going to write about why students should study English in the foreign countries. There are three reasons why this is good idea. The first and most important reason is students can easily and fluently learn English abroad, because they can use it every day in an English-speaking environment. Moreover, it is better for their personal development. While they are studying abroad, they often have a chance to manage their own financial costs and housework without their family’s support. Another reason is that students can learn about new cultures through their overseas friends and teachers. They are able to learn how to understand other cultures and also how to socialise with foreigners. Consequently, it is evident that learning English abroad is better choice for students.

댓글 1개:

  1. i think so. cause even we used lot of money for that, but we can get more things liks relationship with global friends, get experiences about other culture, etc. it's gonna be really really great experiences.
